Responding to residents, Head of Rumbai Sub-District, Koramil, and Kapolsek, Handed Out to distribute masks
Rumbai — To ensure that its citizens continue to comply with the Covid-19 protocol,Rumbai sub-district and its staff inspected the use of masks atJalan Yosudarso Rumbai, to be precise in front of the Center HAWAII supermarket, Friday morning (11/09/2020).
The inspection was not only from rumbai sub-district ranks only, but a few members Rumbai Police and Koramil also took part in the action. EvenHead of Sumda from the Police Kompol Jasman and several organizations like Karang Taruna also helps in active distribution of 1000 masks.
The morning before the inspection was carried out by all personnel apples first to ensure how smooth and orderly activities are carried out to be safe.
In The inspection, he also distributed a number of masks and reminded residents to stay maintain a distance. “ In this area many have been hit. Let’s not add more and use masks in an orderly manner, then keep your distance, “ said Vemi. It turns out that there are still many residents who have not complied with health protocols such as the Pekanbaru Mayor circular aboutmask obligation when leaving the house.
Apart from inspecting passing residents, Vemi and friends also visited all the traders and stalls around the action. They continued tirelessly cheering on their citizens for having to wear masks when they left the house.
Finally the activity was completed at 10.00 WIB and was safely under control.